The United Kingdom`s withdrawal agreement from the European Union, also known as Brexit, has been a hotly debated topic since the referendum in 2016. After years of negotiations, a withdrawal agreement was finally reached in November 2018 and was approved by the EU.

However, the agreement faced significant opposition in the UK Parliament and failed to pass multiple times. The main issue was the backstop, a measure intended to prevent a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Critics argued that it could keep the UK tied to EU regulations indefinitely.

In December 2019, the Conservative Party won a majority in the general election, with Boris Johnson as the new Prime Minister. Johnson re-negotiated the withdrawal agreement, removing the backstop and replacing it with a new protocol that would keep Northern Ireland aligned with EU rules for goods but allow it to remain part of the UK customs territory.

The new agreement was approved by the EU in October 2019 and by the UK Parliament in January 2020, marking a significant step towards Brexit. However, the withdrawal agreement still needs to be ratified by the European Parliament before it can be fully implemented.

At this point, it seems likely that the withdrawal agreement will pass in the European Parliament. The main obstacle was the UK Parliament, and with the new agreement approved, it seems unlikely that the EU will reject it.

However, there are some concerns about the future relationship between the UK and the EU. The withdrawal agreement only covers the terms of departure and a transition period until the end of 2020. A new trade deal will need to be negotiated during this time, which could be a complex and difficult process.

There are also concerns about the impact of Brexit on the UK economy, particularly if a trade deal is not reached. Businesses and industries that rely on trade with the EU could face significant disruption and uncertainty.

Overall, while the withdrawal agreement is likely to pass in the European Parliament, the road ahead for Brexit is still uncertain. The UK and the EU will need to work closely together to negotiate a trade deal and ensure a smooth transition for businesses and citizens.